The fungus or athlete's foot to stop the skin is followed by a series of unpleasant symptoms, then, treat the disease needs in a timely manner. For the treatment, you can use as antifungal and home remedies from the arsenal of folk medicine. The disadvantage of home treatment is the low efficacy against severe forms fungal defeat. One must remember that the before you start the treatment of the fungus, the faster you will get rid of the problem.

The proven tool
The folk medicine knows many effective ways of how to treat the fungus. However, pharmacy antifungals are more effective when there is a large loss of the epidermis. To the folk remedies worked, you should start the treatment when they are detected the first symptoms of the fungus on the feet.
To cure the fungus of the foot at home help the following tools:
- solution of iodine;
- the hydrogen peroxide solution;
- fresh or dried celandine;
- the apple cider vinegar;
- sodium bicarbonate.
When you use these tools must be prepared to strengthen the dryness of the skin and peeling. The efficiency of the people in treatment based exactly on the ability of the components to dry the epidermis, creating an obstacle to the growth of a pathogenic microflora.
The use of iodine solution helps ensure antiseptic treatment of the skin. In addition, the components of the impact tool of binding proteins of a pathogenic in the microbiota, which prevents the growth of a fungal infection. The iodine is used in two ways.
- In 5 liters of hot water to a comfortable temperature to dissolve 3 tablespoons of iodine solution and place the foot in the bath for 20 minutes. After the procedure, and should be carefully dry the feet. The procedure is recommended to repeat one day.
- Mixture of iodine and alcohol in equal proportions. Then, with the help of a cotton swab should apply the tool over the skin before sleeping. The treatment is repeated daily for 5 to 10 days, depending on the manifestation of symptoms.
The treatment with iodine is contraindicated in individual intolerance and thyroid disease. The tool can be very dry skin, and if used incorrectly, there is a high probability of occurrence of a burn.
The hydrogen peroxide is applied as a daily compresses. Three - percent formalin, the drug should be abundantly cause the blouse gauze, and then attach it to a struck by a sector of the skin for 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out twice a day during the week. The tool prevents the spread of infections, reduces the life cycle of a pathogenic microflora and provides anti-septic treatment of the skin, allowing that decreases the bad smell that often accompanies athlete's foot feet.

Celandine is a plant poison that has long been used for the treatment of a number of dermatological diseases. Against the fungus of the foot can be used as fresh, stems and dried flowers of the plant.
- Three large tablespoons of dried celandinea pour a glass of boiling water and boil on a small fire for 10 minutes. Then the broth poured into a bowl with water. Feet are placed in the bath for 20 minutes. The procedure you can go through the day, before going to sleep.
- Decoction celandinea can be used as a compress. Bandage or gauze moistened in medicines and applied to the affected area for 20 minutes.
- If the affected skin cracks and pustular skin rash, these areas must deal with the pure sap of the plant. For this, it is necessary to cut the stem and attach the location of the cut to the struck by a sector of the skin. This process is repeated every three days until the disappearance of symptoms.
Before using the fresh juice celandinea, you should consult a doctor, as well as the plant is poisonous and can cause burns.
Apple cider vinegar can be used as trays or pads. In the first case, it is necessary to dissolve three tablespoons of vinegar into 5 gallons of water. The tray should take 20 minutes, the procedure is repeated over the course of the day. Compresses should be mix the vinegar with water in equal proportions. In a solution of gauze moistened and apply to walk in 20 minutes. Compresses you can do on a daily basis.
When you use iodine, peroxide and vinegar recommended to process healthy areas of skin in bold anti-septic cream. This will prevent excess dryness and flaking to stop.
The most effective methods of treatment
Then, how to heal fungus on feet at home fast? According to patients, is the most effective means when avium is soda.
The treatment of fungus food the coolant is conducted through the following recipes.
- Add the tray to the foot of the highest tablespoon of baking soda and iodized or sea salt. Put your foot in the bath for half an hour and then wipe clean with a dry cloth.
- More effective bath for the feet are the two big tablespoons of soda mixed with the same amount of chips, natural soaps with tar. The ingredients should dissolve in 5 to 7 liters of hot water. The tray can do every day for 20 minutes.
- Appliques soda is quick to get rid of a problem, however, strongly dry the skin. For the preparation of the means of three tablespoons of baking soda mixed with four tablespoons of boiled water, and are obtained from the folder in the skin. The tool is of 10 minutes, and then water washable.
- Another option of application – to treat the skin of the mass of soda, and after five minutes, pour a small tablespoon of lemon juice, directly applied to the tool. As a result of a reaction of citric acid with the refrigerant is formed in the foam, which is washed, with the skin in just a few minutes.

Tar soap as well helps to fight the fungus feet and nails. The tool dry skin and also reduces the sweating and the unpleasant odor. Tar soap is recommended for daily hygiene of the feet throughout the treatment period.
If struck with the foot, you can use normal soap for the treatment of the skin. In cases in which the fungus smote the finger and the nail, you can make appliques from a solution of soap with tar. For this, a quarter of a bar is to rub, then dissolve in a glass of hot water. Then, the tool compress moistened and apply the struck by a sector in 20 minutes.
To get rid of a problem also helps the room aloe. Some of the slips, the plants should be cut and chop with a knife. Then, the plant pour a glass of boiling water and insist a few hours. On the receipt of medicines need to moisten a cotton and to deal carefully with the struck the epidermis. The treatment is carried out two times a day.
Quickly resolve the bad smell help fresh lemon. Juice quarter of a lemon should be applied on the skin daily before going to sleep. You can also apply slices of lemon for 10 minutes to hit areas of the skin.
Still a simple and effective antidote for ringworm is the garlic. You can use it in various ways.
- Squeeze a few cloves of garlic and squeeze the slurry through a cheesecloth. The juice with a cotton swab applied over the affected area, two times a day.
- The liquid 4 cloves of garlic and mix with a tablespoon of juice of onion. Obtained mixture is applied on the skin, and the upper part is covered with a bandage or compress. To keep the application should be 30 minutes.

Garlic has the property of antibacterial that inhibits the growth of pathogenic microflora, and also eliminates the bad smell. Use these recipes should be on a daily basis during the week.
Knowing that treating the fungus, you must adhere to certain rules, to get rid more quickly of the disease.
In the first place, you must get rid of all the items, he came in contact with the affected skin. Bed linen, socks, shoes, towels – all this needs to play out, or boiling, and washing with a disinfectant solution. Wear shoes without treatment, it is not possible, because this may be the cause of re-infection by a fungus.
During the treatment, you should give preference to socks of natural fabrics. The low-quality footwear from synthetic materials should also be abandoned. The shoe must be free and comfortable, stop to walk, should not sweat. One should remember that sweating causes the rapid growth of a pathogenic microflora, resulting in athlete's foot progresses.
If after 5 days after the beginning of the use of the people methods symptoms persist, it is recommended to seek a doctor, for the assignment of antifungal therapy. It is the most effective against ringworm is the combination of a people and of drug treatment.